
Connecticut History

    The Connecticut Airstream Club was born in 1971 as the Charter Oak Connecticut Airstream Club. Year after year a record of club events and membership was entered into binders the old fashioned way. These binders full of historical pictures and information have traveled the state in the care of many different club presidents for over 50 years. Club President Don Allers and Richard Kushman have collaborated to preserve these stored away binders and make them available for all to view or download here on the club website. Visit often and enjoy a stroll down memory lane. 

Charter Oak Connecticut History Files

           Early Members

1970    1971    1972    1973    1974

1975    1976    1978    1979

1980    1981    1982    1983

1984    1985    1986

1996    1997    1998    1999

2000    2001    2002    2003

2004    2005

More to come - check back as the archive grows