Quilting and Fiber Arts
Quilters, sewists, makers, knitters, etc. Bring your latest project to Quilting and Fiber Arts in the Expo 5 Building. Quilting and Fiber Arts will be held daily during the rally. Check the rally schedule for times.
We will have an air-conditioned space furnished with tables and chairs, and electrical outlets/extension cords suitable for plugging in sewing machines. The space will be lockable, so you can set up your equipment and leave it for the duration of the rally.
The space is open to anyone who wants to work on a project, be it quilting, knitting, embroidery, lace making, or whatever. It’s a space to gather, chat, see what others are doing, maybe find a new craft you’d like to try, or work on any project that you have in the making. Everyone is welcome to drop by, see what’s happing, spend a day or part of a day, while enjoying the rest of the rally.
Airstream Club always does community service within the vicinity of the rally. Quilters may want to produce simple 40” X 40” child or lap quilts or 60” X 60” inch fleece blankets to be given to shelters or service groups in the area. You may want to make something at home and bring it to the rally or bring your materials and make an item during the rally.
Additionally, if you’re interested in providing a demo of any project or technique during the week, please contact Alice Reid at rabbet83@hotmail.com with the subject line Quilting and Fiber Arts Demos.
We hope to offer a demo at 10:00 a.m. each morning lasting about 30 minutes. These demos are an informal relaxed way for you to pass along a skill to your fellow Airstreamers. Demo examples from past rallies have been: Christmas ornaments demo (with optional kits for attendees), how to clean and oil a Featherweight machine, wool applique basics, bowl cozies, and English paper piecing. Looking forward to your suggestions in 2022!
Jam Sessions
Join in any of the jam sessions scheduled Sunday through Wednesday evenings, 9 - 11 p.m. in the Mountainview Pavilion. Open to musicians and lovers of music of all ages, skill levels and instruments. Bring your own instrument and maybe get lucky enough to borrow one from a friend you meet there. This nightly get together is designed to bring music-loving members of our Airstream community together to jam on some favorite tunes, maybe learn a new one, and enjoy one another's company.
The Livestock Show Arena will be available daily for kids and adults to play pick-up games of pickleball. Bring your gear!
Publications Showcase
To participate in this event, please register by sending an email to publications@wbcci.org. Tell us your name and contact information, the name of your club, newsletter and the newsletter editor. Then arrange for a hard copy of your very best newsletter published in 2022 to be delivered to Fryeburg. The Showcase Committee has a supply of transparent “view folders” on hand to display each newsletter. Newsletters will be returned to you. Club publications include membership directories as well.
Again, let us know of your plans to provide a copy of your newsletter and 2022 directory by emailing so there will be room “at the table.”
The Showcase has two goals: #1: Here is a chance for you to strut your stuff. The variety of newsletters, their formatting and content is AMAZING! #2: Members of other clubs will enjoy seeing your newsletters and directories. We are all interested in supporting and learning from one another!
Sunday, July 24th-International Rally Pet Show
Traveling pets (and owners too), are you ready for the great annual International Rally Pet Show?!
This fun filled event will take place on Sunday, July 24 in the Livestock Show Arena
Check-in and number pickup at 2 p.m., show starts promptly at 2:30 p.m.
This year, you can choose ONE of the following six classes:
Best Looking Dog
Best Looking Cat
Best Looking Other Pet
Best Costume (for all pets)
Best Trick (for all pets)
Best Look-alike (pet vs human)
In addition, the audience will select and vote for the ‘Peoples' Choice’ Award.
Pre-registration required: deadline to register is the day before the show, Saturday, July 23 by 5 p.m.
Register [HERE]
If you have any questions, please contact:
Lilli Hamnqvist lilli@hamnqvist.org
Teresa McShane, DVM suzzypoi@gmail.com
Wednesday, July 27th at 7:30 a.m. - Fryeburg Fore!
Golfers, mark your calendars! The golf tournament at the 2022 International Rally will be held on the morning of July 27 at the Lake Kezar Country Club in Lovell, ME.
The format will be a scramble with a reverse shotgun start. If you are interested in having a fun morning on this beautiful golf course or have any questions, please contact Richard Girard at WB7513@gmail.com. Advanced registration is required: contact Richard to sign up for a spot.
All golfers must be registered attendees of the Airstream Club 65th Annual International Rally.
Thursday, July 28th - Hobby and Art Show Expo
Calling all Streaming Hobbists! Consider showing your hobbies and artistic creations at the Airstream International Rally in Fryeburg, Maine this July. The Hobby and Art Show Expo will be held on July 28 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Judging of the entries will take place that morning from 9 am to 1 pm. Entries must be set up and ready for display between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. and must be taken down after the exhibit ends at 3 p.m. and must be cleared by 4 p.m. Public viewing will be between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.
Multiple categories are available for entries including Handwork, Knitting, Crocheting, Quilting, Sewing, Rugs, Machine Embroidery, Decorated Clothing, Leather Work, Miscellaneous Work, Wood Products, Jewelry, Ceramics and Pottery, Glass Items, Dolls and Stuffed Articles, Baskets, Lapidary, Plastic Canvas, Collections, and Cards. Participants can enter as many categories as they like. A full list of the rules and regulations and the categories will be available at the Rally Welcome Table. Signup for the Expo will be available at the table.
For more information you can call Kathy Carl at 830-708-2235 or email Kathy@KathyCarl.com
Worship and Reflection Center
Any member is welcome to reserve the Worship and Reflection Center located on grounds. To make your reservation, please contact Interfaith Services Chair, Bob Stansbury at burytone@yahoo.com. Reservations made by May 15 will be included in the schedule printed in the rally program.