Membership Overview
A world of fun, friendship & adventure awaits you as a member of the Airstream Club International - the longest rolling, single-branded RV club in the world. As part of this community, you're supported by like-minded travelers who are eager to help you stop worrying and start relaxing. We know how to rally, how to caravan and how to have fun.
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Member Benefits
Benefits of Membership
As a member of the Airstream Club, you have access to rallies, caravans and courtesy parking throughout North America and Europe. Our special interest Intra-Clubs can also connect you with members who share similar interests.
Frequently Asked Questions
Let us help you take the unknown out of joining the Airstream Club International. If you have any other questions please contact info@airstreamclub.org

Big Red Numbers - They Tell A Story
Imagine leading a caravan of 63 or so Airstreams throughout Central America not now, but in 1951-1952. That’s what Wally Byam, founder of Airstream, Inc., Estelle “Stella” Hall and his 12-year old second cousin Dale “Pee Wee” Schwamborn set out to do on December 1, 1951. Without having the benefit of cell phones or GPS to connect with caravan members, Wally assigned big red numbers (sometimes referred to as BRN) which were placed on the front and rear end-cap of the Airstreams – making it easier to keep track of a large group of travelers facing rugged terrain and many weather-related problems. Wally and Stella Byam often traveled at the front of these caravans, easily identifiable by the big red #1 on their Airstream.
For 60+ years the Airstream Club International has continued to assign numbers to each of their 7,500+ members around the world. These numbers remain with the owners as long as they maintain their membership in the Club – some of whom choose to display them on their trailers. Each of the red stars on either side of these numbers reflects five years of membership in the Club.With a few exceptions, new or new to them, Airstream owners can request the “ghost” number on their trailer or a number of their choice – depending on availability. Numbers available range from 1001 to 32000.
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Our History
Over 60 Years of Airstream Travels - the Golden Family
The Goldens had traveling in their blood, beginning with local trips in a pop-up tent camper in the 1930s and evolving into Airstream Caravans with Wally Byam and the WBCCI in the 1950s and 1960s. Virgil was fond of saying “You only die once, and I’m not going to sit home and wait for it.” After three Airstream Caravans to Canada, the Goldens really got adventurous and signed up for the 1959-60 African Caravan. They were one of seven couples that participated on both groundbreaking caravans that have been recognized for Heritage Number status: the 1959-60 Africa – Holy Land Caravan (a.k.a. Cape Town to Cairo), and the 1963- 64 Around the World Caravan (see sidebar).
The Airstream travel bug goes far deeper in the Golden family than just Virgil and Grace. Besides their son Lee accompanying them on the African Caravan, son Tom and wife Ethelwyne purchased an Airstream in 1995 and joined WBCCI being assigned membership number 16921 (notice Tom’s parents “692” embedded in their number!). Tom and Ethelwyne participated on a historic Airstream caravan of their own, Airstream Company Caravan 255A – 50th Anniversary Caravan to Central America and Panama in 2001, seeing some of the same sights Virgil and Grace had seen on their trip to Panama in 1963!
A few years ago, Tom and Ethelwyne decided to try to find Virgil and Grace’s ATWC Airstream and buy it back. This multi-year hunt finally came to fruition just a few weeks before the 2018 International Rally in their home town of Salem, OR. After re-purchase, Tom gave the trailer a good cleaning and brought it “as found” to be part of the ATWC Airstream display at the International Rally.
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